www.radio.rai.it/radio1/newsgeneration |

“New Generation, news for kids".
This is a web site dedicated to primary and secondary schools which gives importance to kids and youths. Everyday: meetings and news where kids are the protagonists. |
www.radiomarconi.com |
Interesting informations about Marconi's life |
www.marconifilatelico.it |
The history of Guglielmo Marconi in the world stamp collecting |
www.vomradio.com |
News of radio Malta. (Click on the menù
- VOM internet Radio News: "Mille voci...
mille suoni"). You can hear the voice of Giovanni Pelagalli, the founder, who tells the story of the museum. This narration can be heard in the vhs: "Mille voci... mille suoni" a true story...almost a fairytale.
www.lagirandola.it |
An interesting web site for kids and parents |
http://spazioinwind.libero.it/valery/ |
Strangeness of Bologna |
www.antennisti.tv |
An interactive channel on Digital Terrestrial Television |
www.carrtee.it |
A web site about qualified technicians in the realization of radio and tv equipments. |