
These pages are frequently updated and give news about the museum and the most important events. |
June 2006
The President of the Italian Republic already knows the museum! |
The newly elected President Giorgio Napolitano, already knows the museum Mille voci... mille suoni!
In September 1999 he was a Member of European Parliament and in Modena, he visited the exhibition about the ancient radio of the century. Pelagalli staged this exhibition.Here he is with Predisent Giorgio Napolitano. |
BOLOGNA 23th June 2006
The prefect of Bologna, Dott Vincenzo Grimaldi visited the museum |
The prefect of Bologna, Vincenzo Grimaldi wrote: “An enchanting visit full of precious peices. Thanks to the great passion of Pelagalli who had the firmness to consent to the enjoyment. With great admiration and respect " Vincenzo Grimaldi

From "il Resto del Carlino" del primo luglio 2005 |
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The museum brochure printed on the occasion of the Prefect’s visit |
4th June 2005 - The last visit of the school year. A school group from Rimini visited the museum. |
Special news! On the fourth of June, the secondary school Bertola from Rimini ended the visit of the school year 2004/2005 (millions of boys and girls had visited the museum). The school groups come from all parts of Italy. Pelagalli organised a lot of guided and interactive tours for all of these school groups. The visits were personalised according to the level of the school. In this way, the groups can learn the operation of a certain scientifical experiments, such as electrostatics, electrodynamics, sound waves, television, transmitting radio waves, computers and cinema. Additionally, thanks to Pelagalli and his visits, the groups can learn how to use the instruments of communication.
Students and teachers can learn, through original pieces of Marconi, Edison, Lumiere brothers, Ducati brothers, etc. They can listen to music in original juke boxes with 9000 songs inside! They can choose from them automatically, thanks to a specific software. Finally they can see the mechanised musical instruments of the 1700 and 1800 century.
I could see the astonished eyes of the young boys and girls who listened to me. I could hear the lengthy applause. I read the dedications with great emotion.
Thank you to the Italian school which trusts me, thak you to the teachers, the executives, all the students (this list would be too long!) from Rimini, Verona, Roma, Pordenone, Bologna and provinces, Firenze, etc...Thank you to Istituti Compresi which gave us the coaches to carry all the students to the museum (in particular Istituto Branzini from Rimini...five coaches! |

The second class of the secondary school " Aurelio Bertòla" of Rimin.
Owner and Founder
Museo e Associazione Culturale no profit per il
Museo della Comunicazione "Mille voci…mille suoni" di Bologna
Vergato, Saturday 21th May 2005
LIONS CLUB confers the honour called "MELVIN JONES FELLOW" upon Cav. Giovanni Pelagalli
This is the most prestigious prize of the International Lions Club. |

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15th September- 17th October 2004 |
Cav Giovanni Pelagalli was present at Vittoriano (the Monument of Victor Emmanuel The Second) in Rome for the exhibition of the Radio’s eightieth birthday. The exhibition was committed by Rai to Cav. Pelagalli and realised with over 1000 pieces coming from his museum |
15 September- 17 October 2004
"THE YEARS OF THE RADIO: 1924-2004" by
An exhibition of over 1000 pieces coming
from "Mille voci...mille suoni" of Bologna

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Rome, 20th September 2004: The President of the Italian Republic
Ciampi, his wife Franca and Princess Electra Marconi visit the exhibition,
guided by the manager of Radio Rai Dott. Del Bosco and Pelagalli. |
In occasion of this exhibition Radio Rai has published the volume-catalogue “Gli anni della Radio 1924-2004", rich with images and unpublished news about the life of radio.
Inside, rich chapters are dedicated to the museum and gallery of collections |
pag.18 PDF |
The following news items are especially old memories, important because they illustrated our deppest roots. |
This is a pleasant recollection of Cavaliere Pelagalli's the two papal audiences with Pope John Paul II in 1982 and 1983. Cav. Pelagalli continues to cooperate with the museum of Vatican Radio. |
18th October 2000
Another international award givento Pellagalli and his museum. |
On October the eighteenth, in Massachusetts State House - Boston USA, Princess Electra Marconi and the American Government authorities award "Premio Internazionale Tricolore for the cultural activities dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi" to Cav. G.P.
This prize was deliberated by Comitato Tricolore for the Italians in the world: this is a dynamic international organization with seats worldwide. In the United States, in the last few years, this organisation has devoted itself to making the great scientist Guglielmo Marconi famous. The United States are very collaborative, thanks to President Hon Michele Frattallone of Boston and Cav Pelagalli gives conferences and mounts exhibitions with original pieces coming from "Mille voci... mille suoni
This is the Official communication of the award to Pelagalli |
Massachusetts’ Governor building in Boston, where Pelagalli will be awarded. Here Cav Pelagalli is going to be photographed with Princess Electra Marconi during his trip in America. |
Another International engagements for Cav. Pelagalli and his museum, on the occasion of Marconian centenary. This events will take place in 2003 in the United States. |
CAPE COD, Atlantic, Massachusetts!
Princess Electra Marconi with Cav Giovanni Pelagalli and Hon Michele Frattallone CTIM President- Boston are visiting the places where Marconi did his experiments in 1903.
In the background you can see the beach and the Atlantic Ocean.
CAPE COD Massachusetts! U.S.A.
On the left, Cav Pelagalli, Hon Michele Frattallone and Princess Electra Marconi are welcomed by the Federal Police in a Cape Code Reception. Every day, in the morning and in the evening (every hour), they show a short film about Marconi for tourists. |
16th June 2000
The Press conference. Announcement of the exhibition that will take place in Maddalena di Budrio
on 9-10-11 September 1940.
da "Il Resto del Carlino"
del 16 giugno 2000
Tre voci
in diretta |
Vatican Radio. Pope Pio XII photographed in his study while he says his radio address to the faithful.
The microphone will be shown at the exhibition in September.
L ’importanza crescente della Festa settembrina della campagna di Maddalena di Budrio ha reso opportuna una conferenza preparatoria, che da alcuni anni si tiene con successo tra maggio e giugno.
Aspettando quindi la 31a edizione della manifestazione, avente quest’anno come titolo “Dalla ruota alle vie dell’etere – Marconi 2000”, stasera alle 21 avrà luogo nella suddetta parrocchia di Maddalena di Cazzano un incontro con tre relatori d’eccezione.
La giornalista Paola Emilia Rubbi affronterà il seguente tema: “La comunicazione: ieri, oggi, domani”; Giovanni Pelagalli parlerà di “Mille voci… mille suoni: un museo unico in cui rivive la figura di Marconi”; e monsignor Giovanni Catti terrà una relazione su “Mass media: compagni di viaggio – I radiomessaggi di pace di Pio XII”. |
This is the original microphone used by Pope Pio XII. You can find it at Festa di Maddalena di Budrio. There are only two models of this microphone: The first one (restored by Pelagalli) is placed at the Museo della Radio Vaticana, the second one, was donated to Pelagalli in 1996 by the Vatican Museum’s directors, and you can find it in his museum. This microphone of Pope Pacelli will be used by the bishop and vicar of Bologna diocese, Mons. Claudio Stagni, on Saturday 10th September 2000, during the Mass and Angelus. |
6th April 2000 |
The prefect of the Province, in occasion of the opening of the new section dedicated to cinema, television, Ducati and Italian and Neapolitan songs. Additionally there are the authorities of Bologna. |
Marconi's room
From the left: The prefect of Bologna Sergio Iovino, the auxiliary bishop Claudio Stagni, the President of the province Vittorio Prodi, the commander of carabiniere of Emilia Romagna Ottavio Fugaro and Giovanni Pelagalli. |
Marconi's Room
From the left: Vice Mayor Giovanni Salizzoni, The prefect of Bologna Sergio Iovino, the Auxiliary Bishop Claudio Stagni, the President of the province Vittorio Prodi, the Commander of Carabiniere of Emilia Romagna Ottavio Fugaro and Giovanni Pelagalli.
Television Room
From the left: Giovanni Pelagalli, the prefect of Bologna Sergio Iovino, Vice Mayor Giovanni Salizzoni, the President of Granarolo Luciano Sita, the Vice local Director of Education Paolo Marcheselli and General’s wife. |